Wednesday 27 August 2008


Oh it comes... I'm doing it again!!!! This is what happen when I have too much things on my hands and mind and not time. When I do finally have a lil of I go getting killed for my curiosities as I sort of make a cocktail out of everything. Too much colours that it turned yucky!! I know it is bad but at least it does release some astringent or mood swings or as simple as..the proverb..Curiosity killed the cat. I dunno really know how many lives I've used and how many I have left and I had better stop. Who know..the next curiosity might be my last one and if I be that cat will be like I dig my own grave, put myself in it and bury myself.That literally speaking. A 'permanent death' which I would think some people out there would be looking foward to. Who would cry and who would thank the stars above? I just think..well..too loud I guess...that it is not good for all our wishes to be filled; through sickness we recognize the value of health; through evil, the value of good; through hunger, the value of food; through exertion, the value of rest. There are more values anyone can evaluate. What anyone can do is either CAUSE CHANGE & LEAD, ACCEPT CHANGE & SURVIVE or RESIST CHANGE & DIE. But which wld anyone do? We are after all a product of our own situation...I think. But sometimes, we cannot or don't avoid on the bad things that had crept on to FATE? But sometimes it is our own doings that ruined our own life, happiness or yadda yadda yadda. How? Well its simply the word, 'WRONG' that appears in front of another word. Like WRONG TIMING, WRONG PLACE, WRONG SPEECH, WRONG EMOTIONS, WRONG ACTIONS.. etc etc. There's no way of avoiding it even though how careful one can be. It is natural or what you called common reflex by any human being and I wonder if that is what that causes unhappiness. Can we blame ourselves for that? Or do we blame society, love one, family, friends, foes or GOD even for the predicament that we are in?

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