Thursday 14 August 2008

What Hath Doth Done

Within the deepest dark of night there on wings of black I flee, seeking refuge from the light. Oh fearful I, fleeing from thy love, that oh those hazel blue eyes that seek my soul to bring into the light of life. For I have lived a living death hidden in this lightless place. Now you offer love that seeks to carry me into the light. Echoes and echoes of words I heard, lies all that wound me through and through. Should I believe thee now, thou with words of love that seek to hurl me once more into the living world. Oh I was filled with joy but yet fearful. I, should I trust thee, with my heart, for I am bleeding still from wounds inflicted by words and promises that came to naught by thee?
Thy smile, thy voice, thy eyes is blinding so full of light, and so I hid here within the darkness, I hear thy words beckoning me dare I trust, Oh my soul at peril, I say ...YES...I WANT TO........
But...alas!!!!! Thy broke the tradition of love. Thy broke the faith I have in love.
Why doth thy light up the candle and only to blow the only flame away halfway? Thy hath let go of my hand in the dark after walking halfway. Thy left me in the dark. Not only darkness but with thorns and quicksand along the darkened path.
What hath I done to thee to deserve this when I gave thy everything?
Has it been a game all this while for thee? Thou keep secrets, and speaks untruth.
I know not what is truth or what are lies anymore.
I hath over and over again speak to thee...I am of flesh and blood..I do feel pain.
Again I'm drowning in the sea of betrayal. It's how my life was set to be. I should hath known better but I was blind. Blinded by that sweet as honey four letter word.
I should have stick to my principle that love doesn't exist. People are noth who they art or what they appear to be whilst I have been truly honest and sincere.
Thy hath slain me.

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