Monday 5 May 2008

Blasting Merlin!!! My Crews Wailed!!!

Hear ye hear ye!!!! My crews are going berserk!!!! They talked among themselves on the piece of parchment sent by sea eagle. Some wailed and some just went irked and some prayed to the sky. When I asked, they were red faced. I took the parchment from them and I smirked. I wonder if this is just a write out? Is this real? How long will this last when they know their economy on that trait are like 50%....

A bid by a local government in certain province to curb prostitution by asking masseuses to wear a padlock on their pants was an insult, a newspaper quoted the minister for women's empowerment as saying.


The recently implemented policy in the tourist area of so so was misguided, State Minister for Women's Empowerment told the Post on Thursday.

"It is not the right way to prevent promiscuity. It insults women as if they are the ones in the wrong," was said.

The paper showed a photograph of a masseuse with a padlock on the waist band of her trousers and said the local administration's move was aimed at curbing prostitution and maintaining Batu's image as a popular tourist destination.

The best way to curb prostitution in massage parlors was to improve security systems including installing CCTV, Hatta said.

The island has a flourishing sex industry and massage parlors are frequently a front for prostitution. But there has been a vigorous debate over morality in recent years, exposing deep divisions in the Southeast Asian nation.

Last month, the island passed a bill to restrict access to pornographic and violent sites on the Internet, while parliament has yet to pass a controversial pornography bill that aims to shield the young from pornographic material and lewd acts.

Earlier draft versions contained provisions that could jail people for kissing in public and criminalize many forms of art or traditional culture that hinge on sensuality, sparking criticism it could curb freedoms and hurt the island's tolerant traditions.

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